Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hair Styles in Awkward Office

Nick has a lot of hair. BigBoss keeps his cut neat, but Nick, he's got thick curly hair and he wears it longish. BigBoss is never one to let people live their own lives, so BigBoss has been on a campaign of Hair-assment.

At Happy Hour last week, BigBoss outlines a complaint made by one of my teammates, Tyler, about Nick. It should be noted that Tyler is a low key type, somewhat shy, unassuming guy. He's not likely to strike up a conversation with BigBoss. I seriously doubt he'd take a complaint about Nick directly to BigBoss. So, Tyler's complaint: Nick's hair is making it hard to do his job. BigBoss assures Tyler that HR would take this matter seriously and BigBoss has already brought it to Nick's attention that his hair is obviously distracting! So, as any good HR worthy complaint, it was discussed at Happy Hour, with Nick, Josh (Nick's Officemate) and several other coworkers.

I cry foul, because Tyler is a church mouse and would probably quit before he'd complain about Nick's hair. I checked in with Tyler the next day and got the real story. BigBoss ambushed Tyler from his office next to the front exit and asked him, "do you find Nick's hair makes it harder to do your job?" Tyler said, "uhh, maybe a little..." and he beats a path out of the office! So, that is the conversation that BigBoss changed into a formal complaint about Nick's poor personal hygiene.

Well... this week brings a haircut for Nick!

So, now the funnies from the corner cube peanut gallery... I submitted a formal Thank You for Nick's haircut giving him the ability to recognize how great I am, because obviously, his poorly kept hair inhibited his ability to see my true amazingness. These formal Thank Yous go to you as well as your manager, so this surely will get BigBoss's attention.

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